All of your questions about SmarterMeasure are answered here, including questions about implementing into your existing LMS, understanding assessment practices, and more.
Is SmarterMeasure a software product?
Yes, it operates under a Software as a Service (SaaS) model. Under this model, there is no software your institution or users must install or manage. When your institution signs up, we will create a custom user interface that has the look and feel of your institution’s website. We will give you the subdomain and you can link that in any way you choose.
Is there a way to try SmarterMeasure without the commitment to determine how to best implement it at our institution?
Institutions considering licensing SmarterMeasure may qualify for a trial period. Click here to request more information.
Why should our school use SmarterMeasure instead of creating our own readiness assessment?
In addition to a nationally normed assessment, SmarterMeasure provides a wealth of functionality so that institutions can customize it for their students. Schools can cutsomize which sections of SmarterMeasure they use, change the order of sections, export data for analysis, and use dozens of other administrative features.
Should SmarterMeasure be used to determine whether or not a student should take an online or technology rich course?
By design, SmarterMeasure is not intended to be a gatekeeper. That is, it is not meant to be a “make or break” test which determines if a student can take the course or not.
Rather, SmarterMeasure is intended to be used as a diagnostic tool to help students be aware of their strengths and opportunities for growth as they take distance learning courses. It is recommended that schools consider making the fact whether or not a student has completed SmarterMeasure as a prerequisite for further learning courses, but not use the SmarterMeasure scores as gatekeepers.
What type of information does SmarterMeasure acquire from students?
The only information collected includes students’ scores on the assessmemt, name, email, age range, gender, and the number of online courses that the student has taken. Schools may add additional demographic questions but are instructed that Social Security Numbers are never to be collected using SmarterMeasure.
Can you give me the contact information of a school that is already using SmarterMeasure?
Your sales representative will be able to provide you with that information. Please click here to connect with a representative.
Meanwhile, feel free to take a look at some of our SmarterMeasure case studies by clicking the links below:
- STADIO Holdings: Assisting Under-Prepared Learners through Measuring Learning Readiness. Read More >>
- Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology: Aeronautics School Utilizes SmarterMeasure to Increase Student Success. Read More >>
- Middlesex Community College: New Research – How One College Reduced Online Course Failure by 10%. Read More >>
SmarterMeasure FAQ + Fact Sheet
Download this free resource that covers these frequently asked questions and includes more features, benefits, and facts about SmarterMeasure.