Start working smarter by downloading our free resources. With our latest downloads, you’ll gain access to learning more about our products, helping your institution and students succeed, and answers to some of our top FAQs.
SmarterServices Product Flyers

SmarterID Info Sheet
SmarterID is a user authentication system that uses typing biometrics and facial recognition technology to validate a student’s identity and document attendance. If you need assistance authenticating learners during online course work, download our free info flyer today to learn about the benefits and features SmarterID can provide your institution with.

SmarterMeasure Info Sheet
SmarterMeasure is the leading readiness assessment that measures non-cognitive attributes, technical skills, and readiness for online/self-regulated learning. Download our free SmarterMeasure info flyer today for more information about how to identify at-risk students due to technology access or goodness of fit matters, along with the top benefits and features offered to help your students succeed.

SmarterProctoring Info Sheet
If your institution is making plans to provide more online courses, reduce face-to-face class time, and/or add more hybrid courses, download our free info flyer to learn how SmarterProctoring can help your institution with an easy-to-use, credible exam management platform that supports all teaching and learning styles while ensuring academic continuity.

Hybrid Virtual Proctoring Info Sheet
Is your institution is looking for greater control and flexibility over online proctoring? Download our free info flyer to learn how Hybrid Virtual Proctoring to easily allows institutions to craft their own online proctoring model by utilizing their internal testing staff, supplementing with trusted partners, and falling back to automated proctoring when required.

Live Proctoring Info Sheet
Ensure your students’ testing integrity with SmarterProctoring Live. Download our free info sheet to learn how Live works, the top features, and the benefits of using Live at your institution for your students.

Product Breakdown
Once you download, you will learn all of the benefits of starting a partnership with SmarterServices, a full-spectrum assessment service company that solves unmet market challenges facing learners, instructors, institutions, and organizations.

Proctoring Modalities Comparison Sheet
There are many proctoring modalities available for your institution to use through SmarterProctoring. Download this sheet to learn more about each modality, what they offer, and how each one could benefit your institution.

Virtual Proctoring Modalities Comparison Guide
Within SmarterProctoring, there are four virtual proctoring modalities for your institution to use. Download this free comparison guide today to compare and review the features that are available within each virtual proctoring modality.

SmarterProctoring Comparison Guide
View all of SmarterProctoring’s features and benefits and compare them with other proctoring solutions on the market by downloading our free comparison spreadsheet.
SmarterServices Tips, Tricks, and Resources

How to Be A Successful Online Learner
Are your students prepared to be successful online learners? When you download this free resource, you’ll be provided with 9 tips and tricks you can share with your students and colleagues explaining how to become a successful online learner.

How to Stay Focused and Study Effectively for Your Online Courses
Between the rapidly changing news and the many distractions that come with completing your coursework online, staying focused and studying can be difficult. Download this free PDF for helpful tips and tricks for staying focused and studying effectively.

Academic Continuity Resources
Having plans, tools, and training in place to avoid major disruptions is essential to continuing consistent, accessible, high-quality education for students. Download our free guide that includes over 30 different academic continuity resources to help you, your institution, as your students prepare for future success.

How to Find a Place to Study and Take Exams
Home offices are optimal, but not always possible. This free and helpful resource will show you some effective alternatives to finding and curating a place to study and take exams.

How to Choose a Great Proctoring Provider
There are a lot of considerations that go into choosing the perfect proctoring provider. This free resource will provide you with a helpful checklist of the top 8 things you should consider when choosing a proctoring platform for your institution.

Exploring the Myths of Virtual Proctoring eBook
With more students studying online, myths about virtual proctoring have become more accepted and more frequent. This eBook will explore the top 7 virtual proctoring myths, debunk them, and fully explain the reality of virtual proctoring.

Concerns, Cost, Convenience, and Choices Related to Remote Proctoring
This 30-minute educational video guide will review the concerns and challenges brought up with remote proctoring while offering solutions, tips, and examples on how to reduce these concerns.

Tips for Successful Student Time Management
Adequately managing time while participating in an online course is an important part of student success. This free guide includes 6 tips for you to share with your students to help them create successful, productive, and positive time management.

How to Replace Negative Self-Talk with Positive Affirmations
Negative self-talk can greatly affect your students’ success. Download this free guide that includes 4 tips that you can share with your students to help them replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations.
Tips for Decreasing Student Procrastination
Are your students portraying a pattern of procrastination in their online courses? Download this free guide that includes our 3 top tips for you to share with your students to help them effectively start online coursework and maintain focus throughout the semester.

The Pros of Online Learning
There are many benefits of being an online learner. Download this free resource and share it with your students who are considering taking online courses to help them understand the pros that online learners can expect.

The National Means Report
Download our free report to gain insights into the central tendency for students’ life factors, individual attributes, reading recall, math/writing readiness, and more, along with data on how COVID-19 has impacted learner readiness.
The State of eLearning Infographic
The state of eLearning is very different than it was several years ago. Download this free infographic to gain valuable insights about the top lessons learned, policies pivoted, and strategies shifted within eLearning due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The National Readiness Report
Are students ready to learn in a college or university setting? Is learner readiness the same as it was ten years ago? Download our free National Readiness Report to learn about nationwide trends in learner readiness based on data from nearly a half-million students.
AI Ethics and Higher Education eBook
Can AI be used for the good of institutions students, faculty, and staff members? Download this eBook to learn how AI is being used throughout education, how to develop good AI practices, and guidance when it comes to AI ethics and higher education.
SmarterServices FAQs Flyers

SmarterMeasure Frequently Asked Questions
This downloadable PDF covers the most frequently asked questions about our learning readiness indicator, SmarterMeasure.

SmarterProctoring Frequently Asked Questions
This downloadable PDF covers the most frequently asked questions about our proctoring management system, SmarterProctoring.

SmarterID Frequently Asked Questions
This downloadable PDF covers the most frequently asked questions about our user authentication system, SmarterID.

Hybrid Virtual Proctoring Frequently Asked Questions
This downloadable PDF covers the most frequently asked questions about our Hybrid Virtual Proctoring modality.